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Warning about scam emails


Please note that there are emails purporting to be sent by our Zone 9 President Gerard Parlevliet, received by some Zone 9 bowlers.  DO NOT REPLY TO SUCH EMAILS or DO WHAT IS BEING ASKED.

Below is one example of one of the hoax emails received…

Re: Brisk Charge

No worries! Here is what I need you to do, I have been working on incentives recently and I aimed at surprising diligent members of the association with Google Play Gift Cards and this should be between us until they all get their cards
Therefore, I need  Google Play Gift cards of $100 face value each, I need 5 pieces of it amounting to $500.00 . You can get them at any store close to you e.g Coles , Woolsworth , etc .  I need you to get the physical cards , scratch the back out and attach the scanned pictures/take a picture of them with your phone showing the pin and email it to me. Can you do this today and you will be reimbursed back
With kind regards,
 Gerard Parlevliet