President’s Message
The Executive Committee looks forward to welcoming delegates to the Annual General Meeting of the Sydney Northern District Bowling Association (Zone 9) at Belrose Bowling Club tomorrow night (21 November).
Given the current project by Bowls NSW to unify Districts and Zones, this is likely to be the last AGM of the association. It is our intention to discuss the unification project at the AGM.
An update on the unification project was provided at the recent Bowls NSW Member Conference and we expect that further information will be provided shortly. Member’s can also keep up to date through the dedicated website at
In terms of the future governance arrangements for bowls within NSW, we have been informed that 16 regions will be established, named geographically. Our region will be called Metro North-East Bowls.
To implement the new structure, 16 incorporated associations will be established with uniform constitutions and By-Laws. There will be management committees in place for each association and elections for positions will need to be held once the new association has been established.
Bowls NSW intends to hold workshops with current Zone & District administrators in the near future to provide further information on what will be required. We do already know, however, that all the legal aspects of establishing the new associations and disbanding the current districts and zone associations will be prepared by Bowls NSW and provided to each district/zone.
Given that the new associations will need to be in place for the beginning of the 2024/25 bowling year, it is expected that most of the work will need to take place in the March quarter of 2024. The Executive will look to establish appropriate working groups, as required, to help progress this matter.
Gerard Parlevliet